Friday, July 11, 2008

It is 2:40 AM is 2:40 AM and I am awake.

Why am I awake??!

Cocoa needed to go outside, and the doggie door was closed. She woke Josh up to take her out.

Then...she decided to crawl under the shed and not come out.

Why? I don't know...she's never gone under there before. I guess having 9 kids makes ya a little crazy.

My husband decided to wake me up to deal with the situation. FUN.

I feel bad...I had to take a puppy out to squeal to make her come out.

Now I have mud footprint tracks through my kitchen and down my stairs. FUN.

I think I'll try to go back to bed now...


Jamie said...

Sorry you had a rough night.

~Telah said...

Wow! I guess having a dog and 9 pups is like having children! Sorta...

Kimberly said...

Glad she came out ..sorry you have mud through your house..reminds me of my kids!

amydc said...

I'm calling PETA.