Tuesday, July 8, 2008


They're here!!!

Cocoa lost her mucus plug last night around 7:10. Of course, she wasn't in her whelping box, she was in the upstairs bedroom! The first pup came around 8:30:

1. 8:27 black male

2. 9:20 black male

3. 9:30 black female

4. 9:59 black male

5. 10:03 chocolate male

6. 10:28 chocolate female

7. 11:02 black male

We thought she might be done, but then:

8. 11:32 chocolate female

9. 11:55 chocolate female

Josh was certain she would have only four, maybe 5, pups. She showed him! She's being a really good mamma! I'll post pics when I wake up a little more....didn't get to bed until after 1 am. Have a great day!


amydc said...

Bless her heart. She looks worn out.
I'm glad you're the proud grandmother.

amydc said...

The puppies are cute.

Brianna said...

Awww...very cute!

Kimberly said...

Congrats! Hope the mom is getting some rest and hope you can make it Friday nite!

~Telah said...

Hooray the puppies are here! They are so cute!

Traci said...

Those puppies are just precious! Makes me want one (sort of). Congratulations!