Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sooooooooooo Bored!

I am soooooooooo bored!!

Seems like Josh and I both have had whichever plague Alissa and Brody have had. Friday, I had a cough all day, but nothing that alarmed me. Then, by Friday night I started getting light-headed. We also had to go to Jasper to pick up my mom, who came to visit for the weekend. She rode with some friends to Jasper, and we picked her up from there. I was hoping that she would be able to help me sew... She ended up taking care of a sick 25 year old kid and a son-in-law. By Saturday morning I had a 101 temp, which got up to 103 at one point. To top it off, Josh made the mistake of sleeping beside me in bed on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon, the disease had taken him down too. I hope none of yall get whatever bug this is. I'm sure I got it from one of the kids at school. There has been so much going around. I couldn't even get out of bed without feeling like I was gonna fall over and pass out. Today, I am feeling some better. I can actually get myself a drink without feeling light-headed and dizzy!

So anyways, after sitting in a house for 4 days doing nothing but sleeping and watching tv, you get a little bored. The dog is really going nuts. She just started running laps in the house for no known cause this morning. I was so bored, I even decided to update my blog! How bout those bananas!?


~Telah said...

Sorry you have been sick...I think my kids are getting it too.

amydc said...

I just clicked on your blog thinking that it would be the same old post as usual. Wow, an update!
I hope you & Josh are on the mend.
Alissa called it right. We all know where this disease originated. We also know the peops it came from. We told you back in the summer to get out. Maybe next time you'll take the advise of your friends.

Kimberly said...

I think Lilly and me got the plague too. It started yesterday with a cough and runny nose,then this morning we both have low grade fevers. Hope you guys are feeling better.

Alissa said...

I really hope we didn't get you sick. We are doing much better, now that we are on day 8.

Jamie said...

I know I am way behind on my website reading. Sorry to hear you and your hubby were sick a few days ago. Hope you are doing better now!